New from ITV!
- 575 unique stories
- 82 devotees
- 375 pages of nectar to instruct and inspire
The Prabhupada Memories series is more than a good view of His Divine Grace. It is an essential feature for any devotee to understand Srila Prabhupada's qualities and life's lessons and is not to be missed. It is a rare treasure.- Mukunda Goswami
Books, DVDs and MP3s

Memories - Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint is a transcription of all the oral histories contained within the Memories video series. Now instead of fast forwarding to that memorable story that you want to retell to someone, you can just turn to the page for the exact quote. Read more

Nectarian interviews of devotees who have had personal association with His Divine Grace, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. Their stories provide insight into the personality and qualities of Srila Prabhupada, as well as revealing many instructions never before heard or written. Read more
An insightful realization
We Are Now a Non-Profit Charity!
We have recently formed a non-profit charity 501c3 as given by the IRS which is entitled "Prabhupada Memories Charitable Trust". Therefore, if you would like to support the continued collection and editing of these oral histories we can supply you with a bonafide letter whereby you can deduct your donations from your taxes. These deductions, however, only apply to citizens from the United States, Canada, Mexico and Israel.
Thanking you in advance,
Siddhanta das (ACBSP)
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